Victoria Capello
- Author: Victoria Capello
- Date Submitted: Apr 5, 2017
- Category: Cancer Care
Victoria Capello knows firsthand how attitude can influence her health. Routinely, you will find her listening to country music to lift her spirit. Also, like most women, she regularly performs a self-breast exam. In January of 2013, even without the presence of a lump, Victoria knew something was wrong.
Victoria visited her gynecologist to discuss the swelling and redness of her breast, describing the feeling similar to a chemical peel skin treatment. A biopsy was promptly scheduled and it confirmed the presence of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). She was referred to Dr. Shu Hsu, Medical Oncologist at Sequoia Regional Cancer Center.
Dr. Hsu explained how Inflammatory Breast Cancer is a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer; characterized by its inflammatory appearance with diffused reddish swelling due to the involvement of the lymphatic channels of the skin.
Soon after, Dr. Hsu scheduled Victoria for chemotherapy and a mastectomy, to remove her left breast. Her surgery did not require removal of many lymph nodes under her arm, which kept her from experiencing ongoing swelling in her arm like so many mastectomy patients.
Her surgery was followed by radiation therapy to eliminate any cancer that might have remained in or around the breast after surgery. While there was no cancer in her breast, in July of 2015, Victoria learned that cancer had spread to the lining of her lungs.
Victoria says her life could be lyrics to a sad country song, but what kept her attitude positive was the caring support from doctors, medical staff and family. Victoria continues to fight lung cancer, fueled by her stay-positive attitude and doing what she enjoys most.
“There are plenty of days that I feel good, and I am going to make the most of each day. My family has been there for me, and I want to be there for them,” Victoria said.
Victoria looks forward to the day she can swim with her grandchildren, enjoy outdoor family barbeques, and travel. Today, you can find Victoria with lifted spirits enjoying country music in her home or at a concert with her husband, family and friends.