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Sepsis Core Measure

What is this measure?

Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection. It is the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Early identification and treatment of sepsis increases survival and improves patient outcomes.

This measure reports the proportion of severe sepsis or septic shock patients who received appropriate care. Learn more about appropriate care for sepsis patients. Learn More

How does Kaweah Health perform?

Better Than Benchmark
Meets The Benchmark
Worse Than Benchmark

Oct '20 - Sept '21

Jul '22 - Dec '23

Oct '21 - Sept '22

The benchmark is the mean national rate for the respective period published on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ website Hospital Compare.

Why is it important?

This information is important because one way to tell if a hospital is doing a good job is to see if the percent of severe sepsis or septic shock patients who received appropriate care at that hospital is better than, the same as or worse than the U.S. national average. Higher numbers are better

Sepsis is the body’s overactive and toxic response to any type of infection: bacterial, viral, fungal or even parasitic and it can quickly turn a healthy person into someone who is suddenly fighting organ failure, amputation or even death. While anyone can get sepsis, some groups like very young children, older adults, and those with weakened immune systems, cancer patients included, are more likely to be affected.

What is Kaweah Health doing to continue to improve?

Kaweah Health follows evidence-based guidelines and best practice with the goal of providing timely care to all of our patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. We have implemented an electronic sepsis alert that informs the bedside nurse of possible severe sepsis or septic shock. This alert also informs our new Sepsis Coordinator. The purpose of the coordinator is to make sure that any patient at Kaweah Health who has been diagnosed with sepsis is getting the right care at the right time so they can have the best outcome. Kaweah also monitors compliance with best practices to continuously improve and provide the best outcomes for our patients and our community.

Frontline Perspective

Thomas GrayThomas Gray, MD, Medical Director of Quality and Patient Safety

"I am very fortunate to work with a dedicated team of experts in their specialties who all have a keen interest in and dedication to the prompt recognition and treatment of this deadly, disabling condition. They have spent hours of time increasing awareness and standardizing treatment throughout the Medical Center. Their efforts have borne fruit. We have seen shortened hospital stays and decreased mortality. Recently, Kaweah Health Medical Center was recognized by Healthgrades as a 5 star Center of Excellence for our treatment of sepsis. Our team if very proud of this achievement but realizes there is always more work to do."

Sandy Volchko DNP, RN, CPHQ, CLSSBB, Director Quality & Patient Safety

"As a registered nurse for the past 24 years and the Director of Quality and Patient Safety at Kaweah Health, I have seen firsthand how devastating sepsis is when it goes untreated. On average nationwide, approximately 30 percent of patients diagnosed with severe sepsis do not survive. However, I have seen the great work that our team does by recognizing and providing timely sepsis treatment. Our team is saving lives every day, while continuous looking for improvements to better serve our community."

How can patients and families support safety?

It’s About TIME is a national initiative to raise awareness of sepsis and the urgent need to seek treatment when symptoms are recognized. Early detection provides the best chance for survival and recovery for you and your family.

Below are other habits you can practice to help prevent sepsis.

Get Vaccinated

Vaccinations, also known as immunizations, can help make you immune to viruses, such as the chicken pox, which can lead to sepsis.

Care for Open Wounds
  • Cuts, scrapes, or breaks in the skin can allow harmful bacteria to enter your body. Clean open wounds as quickly as possible and keep them clean.
  • Monitor wounds for signs of an infection: such as redness around the wound, skin around the wound is warm to touch, increased pain and/or discharge from wound.
  • Consult a doctor if there are signs of infection
  • If Prescribed, Take Antibiotics Correctly
  • Follow the directions for use
  • Take them on time
  • Finish the full course, even if you feel better sooner
  • Store the antibiotics as directed
Wash Your Hands
  • Before eating or handling food
  • After using the bathroom
  • After blowing your nose or coughing
  • After touching pets or other animals
  • After going to school or going shopping

What is a Sepsis Hero? A provider or a nurse that provides perfect care which is the right treatment at the right time for our sepsis patients. Timely treatment of sepsis saves lives.